Discover inner peace #WorkBook : Yoga for Quiet Mind. This reusable and printable guide is made to help you find calm.
- Overview: Focus on asanas and breathing techniques that reduce stress and anxiety.
- Contents:
- Introduction to the mind-body connection
- Restorative yoga sequences for relaxation
- Breathing exercises (Pranayama) Nadi Shodhana
- Guided meditations for reducing daily stres
- Bonus: Yoga Nidra for deep relaxation, Marjana Bitilasana, and Tips on creating a calming yoga space at home.
- iPad for a smooth, seamless experience
- Tablet for versatility and ease of use
- GoodNotes app to organize your thoughts systematically
- Stylus pen for a natural writing experience
Learn different yoga techniques to ease stress, and practice or print them anytime, anywhere.
#WorkBook : Yoga for Quiet Mind
SKU: CalmWoman